• Conceive to Believe to Achieve

    Conceive to Believe to Achieve

    I’m a big fan of personal development and working on my mindset. Entrepreneurs can get caught up in the conceive phase (using our imagination and innovation muscle) but we won’t achieve “the thing” until we believe “the thing.” Napoleon Hill was on point! I took an assessment several years ago called the StrengthFinders 2.0. It’s […]


  • Optimize Your Website with SEO

    Optimize Your Website with SEO

    You know all those annoying phone calls you get from random people bugging you about putting your website on the first page of Google and how they were going to optimize your website with SEO? Yeah…THOSE people. I used to get them daily but now, not so much. Well…they irritated the heck out of me […]


  • Mental Toughness and The Entrepreneur

    Mental Toughness and The Entrepreneur

    Mental toughness and the entrepreneur sounds like a woo-woo subject, doesn’t it? The tech stuff is easy for me. I can pull an all-nighter and stay up for most of the next day when working on a web project. (I’m not super-human…I just LOVE technology and all the creativity + innovation that goes with it!) […]